December 16 - Math Mastery Check - Unit 4
December 17 - We are moving classrooms! Students will have a sub while I move the classroom from our current location to a room across the hall (room 188). This move will not affect student instruction or perfomance in any way; we will just have a new home starting on Wedensday.
-Language Map Test
December 19 - Christmas Party at 1:15
December 20 - PJ Day
Monday, December 16, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Christmas Party Money
don’t have much time left before we will be out for the holidays. While we are
still busy working and learning in the classroom, we will be taking time to
celebrate this time of the year! Our classroom Christmas Party will be in the
afternoon on Thursday, December 19.
the party, students will watch a holiday movie, enjoy festive treats, and a few
other activities. With that said, I need your help in order to make the party a
success! We will be getting pizza and drinks for your child to enjoy. If you
could please send in $3 to help cover the cost, it would really be appreciated.
Please try to have this money in by the end of the week (Friday, December 13).
Layers of the Earth
Today, we started learning about the layers of the earth. I found this catchy song. We listened to it today in class and I explained what the lyrics meant to the class. Hopefully it'll help them remember the different parts! Enjoy.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday Online Homework
Math Homework
If you click the link above, there is a website that students can use to practice with protractors. They can line up the tool correctly and find the closest angle. This is excellent practice for students learning to use the protractor!
If you click the link above, there is a website that students can use to practice with protractors. They can line up the tool correctly and find the closest angle. This is excellent practice for students learning to use the protractor!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Spelling Words- List for the week of Dec. 2- 6
1. answer
2. knuckles
3. island
4. whistle
5. cupboard
6. science
7. honesty
8. wring
9. spaghetti
10. aisle
11. knowledge
12. scissors
13. column
14. rhythm
15. whisper
16. assignments
17. khaki
18. fascinating
19. moisten
20. receipt
1. pneumonia
2. foreign
2. knuckles
3. island
4. whistle
5. cupboard
6. science
7. honesty
8. wring
9. spaghetti
10. aisle
11. knowledge
12. scissors
13. column
14. rhythm
15. whisper
16. assignments
17. khaki
18. fascinating
19. moisten
20. receipt
1. pneumonia
2. foreign
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Southwest Capitals
Students will have a quiz over the Southwest Capitals on December 5. They highlighted them on their list today and were introduced to the region.
Arizona - Phoenix
New Mexico - Santa Fe
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
Texas - Austin
Arizona - Phoenix
New Mexico - Santa Fe
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City
Texas - Austin
Monday, November 25, 2013
Snow Day Packets
Snow Day Packets went home with students today! There were several different pieces of paper that are coming home: a letter to you explaining the packets and a blue piece of paper explaining what students are to do on each snow day. The assignments page is located in the back of the student's blue folder. They have been told it needs to remain there. If students reported that they have internet access at home, they were given assignments to do on using a log-in that is unique to them. If students said they do not have a internet, they were given a paper packet. Each snow day, students have an assignment for reading, math, and science; students will receive extra points for the completed work. Below is the assignment list for students completing the online snow day activities.
Science – Module: Science; Biology; Grouping of Animals and Plants: Classification of Animals& Animal Questions
English – Reading: Grade 4 - Logging Should be Banned
Science –Science; Biology; Plant and Animals Found in Different Habitats: Animal Environments & Animal Environments Questions
English – Grammar – Grade 4 - Punctuation
Science –Science; Biology: What Plants Need to Grow: What Plants Need & Plant Questions
English – Reading – Grade 4 - Vocabulary Extension 5
Science –Science; Biology; Familiar Animals and Plants and their Structural Features and Adaptations: Animal Adaptation and Environments & Adaptation Questions
English – Reading : Grade 4 - Beautiful Butterfly
Science –Science; Physics; Exploring Major Geological Events and Find Out How They Are Recorded: How Mountains Are Formed & Why Volcanoes Erupt & Mountains and Volcanoes Questions
English – Reading – Grade 4 - Ant and Grasshopper
Day #1
Math –Mathematics; Grade 4: Number and Place Value
Recall: Multiplication - 1X - 10X Times TablesScience – Module: Science; Biology; Grouping of Animals and Plants: Classification of Animals& Animal Questions
English – Reading: Grade 4 - Logging Should be Banned
Day #2
Math –Mathematics; Grade 4: Angles: Compare and Angle to a Right Angle video AND
taskScience –Science; Biology; Plant and Animals Found in Different Habitats: Animal Environments & Animal Environments Questions
English – Grammar – Grade 4 - Punctuation
Day #3
Math –Mathematics; Grade 4: Numbers and Place
Value: Arrays Science –Science; Biology: What Plants Need to Grow: What Plants Need & Plant Questions
English – Reading – Grade 4 - Vocabulary Extension 5
Day #4
Math –Mathematics; Grade 4: Space 2D and 3D; Constructing 2D shapes video AND Interactive
ActivityScience –Science; Biology; Familiar Animals and Plants and their Structural Features and Adaptations: Animal Adaptation and Environments & Adaptation Questions
English – Reading : Grade 4 - Beautiful Butterfly
Day #5
Math –Mathematics; Grade 4: Modeling Equivalent
Fractions: Equivalence – halves,
quarters, and eighths tutorial AND Modeling Equivalent FractionsScience –Science; Physics; Exploring Major Geological Events and Find Out How They Are Recorded: How Mountains Are Formed & Why Volcanoes Erupt & Mountains and Volcanoes Questions
English – Reading – Grade 4 - Ant and Grasshopper
Friday, November 22, 2013
Almost Thanksgiving!!
Hello Parents,
Next week is Thanksgiving. In reading, since it will be a short week, there will be no spelling words assigned. We will still be working in reading and grades will still be taken. We are wrapping up our personal narratives and will be starting our persuasive writing as soon as we return from the holiday. As always, if there are any questions about grades or assignments, please let me know.
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Rogers
Next week is Thanksgiving. In reading, since it will be a short week, there will be no spelling words assigned. We will still be working in reading and grades will still be taken. We are wrapping up our personal narratives and will be starting our persuasive writing as soon as we return from the holiday. As always, if there are any questions about grades or assignments, please let me know.
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Rogers
Friday, November 15, 2013
Spelling words - Week of Nov.18
Spelling list for the week of Nov. 18th.
3. wrong
4. sandwich
5. climbing
6. answer
7. doubt
8. listen
9. bridge
10. half
11. should
12. knew
13. honesty
14. knives
15. spaghetti
16. castle
17. Wednesday
18. could
19. kitchen
20. hour
1. Thanksgiving
2. November
1. knuckle
2. wrinkle3. wrong
4. sandwich
5. climbing
6. answer
7. doubt
8. listen
9. bridge
10. half
11. should
12. knew
13. honesty
14. knives
15. spaghetti
16. castle
17. Wednesday
18. could
19. kitchen
20. hour
1. Thanksgiving
2. November
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
English Language Arts update!!
Hello Parents,
To give a quick update on what's happening in English Language Arts class. We are currently working on writing a personal narrative. We've been working on this and it's due on Friday. It has been an inclass activity. However, some are behind, so you may see it come home as homework. This will help your student catch up. As soon as we wrap this up, we will begin our persausive writing.
In reading, we have begun comparing and contrasting theme's in stories. This is a difficult concept for many. The idea of theme or the lesson learned in a story is not a 'right there' concept. This skill requires students to think about what the character has learned and how to apply to their lives. Other reoccuring skill are identifying the main idea, understanding how the setting applies the story, along with character traits.
If there are any questions on what we are doing, please let me know. Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Rogers
To give a quick update on what's happening in English Language Arts class. We are currently working on writing a personal narrative. We've been working on this and it's due on Friday. It has been an inclass activity. However, some are behind, so you may see it come home as homework. This will help your student catch up. As soon as we wrap this up, we will begin our persausive writing.
In reading, we have begun comparing and contrasting theme's in stories. This is a difficult concept for many. The idea of theme or the lesson learned in a story is not a 'right there' concept. This skill requires students to think about what the character has learned and how to apply to their lives. Other reoccuring skill are identifying the main idea, understanding how the setting applies the story, along with character traits.
If there are any questions on what we are doing, please let me know. Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Rogers
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Spelling List for Nov. 11
Hello Class,
Below are the spelling words for the week of Nov. 11- 15. As some of you may have noticed, they are review words. From time to time, I will do this. These words are not on as a group list, so please do not attempt to look for them. Instead, choose another activity from the list. If there are questions, please let me know.
3. thought
4. clothing
5. forward
6. stormy
7. their
8. disappear
9. comparison
10. calendar
11. fearful
12. there
13. believe
14. new
15. sneezed
16. difference
17. increase
18. achieve
19. knew
20. equal
2. United States
Below are the spelling words for the week of Nov. 11- 15. As some of you may have noticed, they are review words. From time to time, I will do this. These words are not on as a group list, so please do not attempt to look for them. Instead, choose another activity from the list. If there are questions, please let me know.
1. phrase
2. because3. thought
4. clothing
5. forward
6. stormy
7. their
8. disappear
9. comparison
10. calendar
11. fearful
12. there
13. believe
14. new
15. sneezed
16. difference
17. increase
18. achieve
19. knew
20. equal
1. veteran2. United States
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Midwest State Capitals
We are moving to our next region in Social Studies: the Midwest! Students will be tested over the captials of the Midwest on Friday, November 15th. The class marked the page in the back of their assignment planner today and below is also a list of the capitals they need to know for this test. Please have them start studying now.
Illnois - Springfield
Indiana - Indianapolis
Iowa - Des Moines
Kansas - Topeka
Michigan - Lansing
Minnesota - St. Paul
Missouri - Jefferson City
Nebraska - Lincoln
North Dakota - Bismarck
Ohio - Columbus
South Dakota - Pierre
Wisconsin - Madison
Illnois - Springfield
Indiana - Indianapolis
Iowa - Des Moines
Kansas - Topeka
Michigan - Lansing
Minnesota - St. Paul
Missouri - Jefferson City
Nebraska - Lincoln
North Dakota - Bismarck
Ohio - Columbus
South Dakota - Pierre
Wisconsin - Madison
Veterans Day Breakfast
On Tuesday, students will be bringing home a blue piece of paper about Strode's Verterans Day Breakfast. Next Monday, November 11th, we will be celebrating Veterans Day from 8:00-9:00 to honor all military veterans (active or retired). Students are asked to bring back the bottom half of this blue sheet by Thursday, November 7th if someone will be attending the breakfast.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Conservation Poster Project
Today students received information on a REQUIRED project for science. There is more information under the projects tab. Students will create a poster to persuade people to conserve water. It is to be drawn on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper. Please look for the green sheet in your student's folder today and return the bottom part signed. The poster is due Monday, November 18.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Reading Unit 2 Mastery Check
On Thursday, we will be taking our Unit 2 Mastery Check. Earlier last week, we sent home a study guide with terms, skills, and examples. We will be reviewing each day this week, if there are any questions, please ask.
Thank you,
Mrs. Rogers
On Thursday, we will be taking our Unit 2 Mastery Check. Earlier last week, we sent home a study guide with terms, skills, and examples. We will be reviewing each day this week, if there are any questions, please ask.
Thank you,
Mrs. Rogers
Spelling Words week of Nov 4th
Below are the spelling words for this week. As usual, our test will be on Friday, Nov. 8th.
3. person
4. dirty
5. world
6. major
7. shirt
8. center
9. turkey
10. calendar
11. burn
12. teacher
13. circle
14. author
15. birthday
16. nerve
17. plural
18. first
19. paper
20. manners
2. grammar
1. dollar
2. curl3. person
4. dirty
5. world
6. major
7. shirt
8. center
9. turkey
10. calendar
11. burn
12. teacher
13. circle
14. author
15. birthday
16. nerve
17. plural
18. first
19. paper
20. manners
1. neighbor2. grammar
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Class Dojo
After a short break, we are back using Class Dojo each day! Students are earning their rewards with positives. Remember that each parents has a log on and can log onto the website to check their progress. There is an smart phone/tablet app that can be used as well. If you need your parent login, please let me know!
Box Tops
PTO is doing a Box Tops fundraiser. Each student will be bringing a yellow piece of paper home to attach the box tops too. If you have more than what fits on the page, there are directions at the top of what to do with the extra box tops. The class that collects the most box tops wins a pizza party! Who doesn't want that?!?!?! I've been collecting, I hope you will too!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Red Ribbon Week
We are celebrating Red Ribbon Week at Strode this week. Students are invited to dress up to participate in the celebration. Each day has its own theme.
M - Tie Dye Day
T - Put a Cap on Drugs - Hat Day
W - Wear Red
Th - Say Boo to Drugs - wear a Halloween shirt
F - Sock it to Drugs - Crazy sock day
M - Tie Dye Day
T - Put a Cap on Drugs - Hat Day
W - Wear Red
Th - Say Boo to Drugs - wear a Halloween shirt
F - Sock it to Drugs - Crazy sock day
Friday, October 25, 2013
Spelling Words for week of Oct 28, 2013
Below are the words for the week of Oct. 28, 2013. We will be looking at the R-controlled vowels. We will take note of how some vowels are present, but stay silent. Our test will be Nov. 1, 2013.
3. cashier
4. weird
5. steer
6. barely
7. tear
8. terrible
9. fearful
10. clearance
11. pioneer
12. square
13. prepare
14. rare
15. sincere
16. disappear
17. cheerful
18. vocabulary
19. repair
20. comparison
2. tier
1. career
2. their3. cashier
4. weird
5. steer
6. barely
7. tear
8. terrible
9. fearful
10. clearance
11. pioneer
12. square
13. prepare
14. rare
15. sincere
16. disappear
17. cheerful
18. vocabulary
19. repair
20. comparison
Challenge Words:
1. aquarium2. tier
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Report Cards
Report cards will be coming home on Wednesday, October 23rd. Attached to the report card is the results from last year's KPREP test and what they made on the Gifted Placement test. I ask that you either write a note saying you saw the report card or sign the report card and send it back in with your student. I do not need all the additional papers, but I want to make sure you see what your student is doing in the classroom. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Spelling List for week of Oct 21
Our words for the week Oct 21, 2013. We are focusing on the sounds of /or/ and /ar/.
1. stormy
2. smart
3. boring
4. sharpen
5. normal
6. report
7. alarm
8. darkest
9. partner
10. morning
11. perform
12. garbage
13. north
14. support
15. argue
16. chores
17. calorie
18. charge
19. scarf
20. forward
For this week's challenge, I will be asking students to write two sentences using a spelling word. One point for each sentence. However, each sentence needs to be written correctly, using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
1. stormy
2. smart
3. boring
4. sharpen
5. normal
6. report
7. alarm
8. darkest
9. partner
10. morning
11. perform
12. garbage
13. north
14. support
15. argue
16. chores
17. calorie
18. charge
19. scarf
20. forward
For this week's challenge, I will be asking students to write two sentences using a spelling word. One point for each sentence. However, each sentence needs to be written correctly, using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
For those that have returned the yellow conference sheet with a preferred time, please look in your child's planner for the scheduled time or email Miss Terry.
If you have not returned the conference sheet, please do so as soon as possible. All students are asked each day. It is school policy that we try to meet or discuss your child's progress two times during the year. These conferences can be done in person or over the phone, whatever works best for your family! The should only take about 15 minutes. If you do not wish to have a conference, there is a spot on the conference sheet where you can indicate that and I can keep for my records.
NOTE: If you had a conference scheduled for October 17 or 18th, I will have to reschedule. I (Miss Terry) am out sick the rest of the week. I tried to make phone calls home yesterday before I came home. I will be sending notes home on Monday to reschedule. All conferences set for October 21 and on are still scheduled and look forward to seeing you then!
If you have not returned the conference sheet, please do so as soon as possible. All students are asked each day. It is school policy that we try to meet or discuss your child's progress two times during the year. These conferences can be done in person or over the phone, whatever works best for your family! The should only take about 15 minutes. If you do not wish to have a conference, there is a spot on the conference sheet where you can indicate that and I can keep for my records.
NOTE: If you had a conference scheduled for October 17 or 18th, I will have to reschedule. I (Miss Terry) am out sick the rest of the week. I tried to make phone calls home yesterday before I came home. I will be sending notes home on Monday to reschedule. All conferences set for October 21 and on are still scheduled and look forward to seeing you then!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Multiplication Test on Friday
Please have your child study their 6s for the multiplication test on Friday!!! It is very important that students know these facts in order to do the more complicated math skills we are working with in class. I provide time for students to study in class, but please stress the importance and have them study at home!
Thank you!
Thank you!
National School Lunch Week
This week is National School Lunch Week! We will be doing different activities and lessons in the classroom about school lunch. If you have time, come have lunch with your student at school this week!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Spelling List for week of Oct 14th
Hello. Here are the spelling words for next week. Our test will be Friday, Oct 18th.
3. shrink
4. splash
5. street
6. scream
7. scrape
8. strange
9. split
10. shred
11. spring
12. three
13. through
14. sprinkle
15. splinter
16. straight
17. scribble
18. scrapbook
19. thread
20. mushroom
2. describe
1. thrill
2. sprout3. shrink
4. splash
5. street
6. scream
7. scrape
8. strange
9. split
10. shred
11. spring
12. three
13. through
14. sprinkle
15. splinter
16. straight
17. scribble
18. scrapbook
19. thread
20. mushroom
1. strategy2. describe
Friday, October 4, 2013
10/7-10/11 Spelling List
Below are this week's spelling words. The skills this week are the sound of /th/ and /sh/. Homework will be due on Thursday and our test on Friday.
3. bother
4. white
5. shapes
6. thanks
7. sunshine
8. whale
9. where
10. thirsty
11. phrase
12. shadow
13. thought
14. whisper
15. alphabet
16. shelter
17. weather
18. toothbrush
19. clothing
20. headphones
2. friendship
graph3. bother
4. white
5. shapes
6. thanks
7. sunshine
8. whale
9. where
10. thirsty
11. phrase
12. shadow
13. thought
14. whisper
15. alphabet
16. shelter
17. weather
18. toothbrush
19. clothing
20. headphones
whistle2. friendship
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Science Test on Friday
On Friday, students will be taking a test over Plants. We have been studying them for the past few weeks. Below is a website that goes over the different parts of a plant. We have used this in class but it is a good review.
Parts of a Plant
Parts of a Plant
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Northeast Capital Test - October 8
Students will have a test over the following states and capitals on Tuesday, October 8.
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Maine - Augusta
Maryland - Annapolis
Massachusetts - Boston
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton
New York - Albany
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
Rhode Island - Providence
Vermont - Montpelier
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Maine - Augusta
Maryland - Annapolis
Massachusetts - Boston
New Hampshire - Concord
New Jersey - Trenton
New York - Albany
Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
Rhode Island - Providence
Vermont - Montpelier
Monday, September 30, 2013
Book Fair Shopping Times
This week is Book Fair at Stode. We have library on Day 4 of the Specials rotation and we don't have a Day 4 this week... so, we have other shopping times. If students have money, they will be able to go buy at these times:
Each day of the week from 7:30-8:00 (when they have finished their morning work)
Tuesday - 9:35-9:55
Thursday - at Open House, 5:30-7:00
Each day of the week from 7:30-8:00 (when they have finished their morning work)
Tuesday - 9:35-9:55
Thursday - at Open House, 5:30-7:00
Friday, September 27, 2013
9/30 Spelling List
Here are the spelling words for the week of 9/30/13. Our test will be Friday, Oct. 4. Remember, spelling homework is a grade and is due on Thursdays.
2. chemical
1. chocolate
2. stomach
3. kitchen
4. channel
5. sketch
6. watch
7. champion
8. ketchup
9. chapter
10. pitcher
11. searched
12. stretching
13. crutches
14. change
15. twitch
16. which
17. achieve
18. batch
19. March
20. challenge
Challenge Words:
1. drenched2. chemical
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Events this week
Please remember - Tuesday we have our field trip to Environmental Camp. Students have been told what group they are in and asked to wear a certain color shirt. They were told on Friday and I told them again today. If they don't have that color shirt, they have been asked to wear a white shirt.
Also, the Founding Fathers Social Studies Project is due Friday. Students that are completing the project should bring in their posters on Friday. I will have a sub on Friday so we will not be doing presentations until Monday.
Also this week
-Grandparent's Day on Wednesday at 1:00-1:30
-Reading Mastery Check on Wednesday
-2s-5s Multiplication Review Test on Friday
Also, the Founding Fathers Social Studies Project is due Friday. Students that are completing the project should bring in their posters on Friday. I will have a sub on Friday so we will not be doing presentations until Monday.
Also this week
-Grandparent's Day on Wednesday at 1:00-1:30
-Reading Mastery Check on Wednesday
-2s-5s Multiplication Review Test on Friday
Saturday, September 21, 2013
9/23-9/27 Spelling List
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Southeast States and Capitals
On Monday, students will have a quiz over the capitals in the Southeast region. Every student should have a list of all 50 states and capitals in the back of their planner. Today, we went over the capitals together and marked the list in the back with the Southeast states. I have suggested to the class to make flashcards (I have index cards in the room if they need them/want to make them at school).
Kentucky - Frankfort
Tennessee - Nashville
West Virginia - Charleston
Virginia - Richmond
North Carolina - Raleigh
South Carolina - Columbia
Florida - Tallahassee
Georgia - Atlanta
Alabama - Montgomery
Mississippi - Jackson
Arkansas - Little Rock
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Kentucky - Frankfort
Tennessee - Nashville
West Virginia - Charleston
Virginia - Richmond
North Carolina - Raleigh
South Carolina - Columbia
Florida - Tallahassee
Georgia - Atlanta
Alabama - Montgomery
Mississippi - Jackson
Arkansas - Little Rock
Louisiana - Baton Rouge
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Fall pictures were given to students today. If you want to order, please select which package you want and reture with money by October 7th. Checks should be made payable to Lifetouch Photography (there's a challenge spelling word!!).
There is a $10 late fee for any turned in after the 7th.
There is a $10 late fee for any turned in after the 7th.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Unit One Reading Study Guide
Hello Class,
The Unit One Reading study guide went home. On the front are listed the standards that being taught and that will be assessed next week. On the back are important terms and strategies that will assist students in preparing for this assessment.
It is my plan to give the assessment Wednesday, September 25th. If you have any questions, please let me know.
The Unit One Reading study guide went home. On the front are listed the standards that being taught and that will be assessed next week. On the back are important terms and strategies that will assist students in preparing for this assessment.
It is my plan to give the assessment Wednesday, September 25th. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Papers sent home
A newsletter came home with students today. This was meant to go home with midterms, but it got buried under some of my organized piles! Students also brought home a blue half sheet of paper for PTO elections. For each sheet that is returned, our class earns an extra minute of recess!
9/16-9/20 Spelling Words
Long O Words
1. know
2. remote
3. goal1. know
2. remote
4. most
5. hello
6. below
7. poem
8. whole
9. notice
10. toast
11. own
12. October
13. globe
14. both
15. float
16. yellow
17. envelope
18. vote
19. ocean
20. soap
1. clothes2. photograph
Friday, September 13, 2013
MAP Testing
This past week, students took the Reading and Math MAP Test. To be considered on grade level/proficient, there was a target goal of 203 in Reading and 208 in Math. Please ask your child how they did! The following is a guide for scores and what we will follow throughout the year. Can't wait to see the growth of our class!

Midterms were sent home on Friday, September 13th. Please sign the midterms and send them back to school with your child on Monday. There was also a large stack of grading papers that was sent home. If you have any questions about the graded papers, please let me know. Attached to some midterms was a copy of the 4s test the students took today. Please have your child study! They know all week what multiplication test they are taking that Friday. As our math skills get harder, it is even more important that the students know their basic multiplication facts. Students that had their multiplication test sent home today will have an opportunity to retake the 4s next week.
Environmental Camp is approaching quickly - September 24th! Permission slips were due last week, if your child has not brought his/her's in, please return that ASAP. There is also a cost of $1.50. This is due on Monday and covers the cost of water, snack, and soft drink for each child while at Environmental Camp.
Environmental Camp is approaching quickly - September 24th! Permission slips were due last week, if your child has not brought his/her's in, please return that ASAP. There is also a cost of $1.50. This is due on Monday and covers the cost of water, snack, and soft drink for each child while at Environmental Camp.
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