
Kentucky Event Project
We will begin our study of Kentucky next week. Today, your child came home with a sheet titled Historical Frame. This at home study is simple, please assist your child in choosing a historical event that took place in Kentucky. You may use your Kentucky textbook to find an event.  The website is also helpful. Once on that site, click on ‘About Kentucky’ and begin your search. Please do your best to complete each box on the organizer. This organizer will be used to complete a graded writing lesson. There is no other requirement, but to complete and present your organizer in class. I am excited to hear what you learned about! This project will be due on Monday, March 10th.

Science Fair Project - Due March 10
Every 4th grader is required to complete a scientific investigation by Monday, March 10. It will be graded on appearance, content, and oral presentation. The science fair will be help on March 13, the night of our Title I night.
Students need to pick a scientific question to investigate. We will be talking about this in class to help get some ideas! Please help your child choose an investigation and complete the letter that was sent home by Feb. 3 (No models of volcanoes or solar systems). The project must follow the scientific method! It is important for students to do their own work (they may receive adult help but the student must show an understanding of the investigation and results when presenting and asking questions about his/her investigation). Take pictures of students involved in conducting their investigation and include those on boards if you like. Projects should be presented on tri-fold boards (either purchased or homemade). A picture of how to display information is on a page that went home on  1/27. The evaluation paper must be returned to school. Below is what students will be graded on.

Science Fair Project Evaluation Report

Visual presentation (20 points):  ________

 Comments:  _______________________________________

Oral presentation 205 points):  ________

 Comments:  _______________________________________

Uses of scientific method:

         Purpose (5 points):  _______

         Hypothesis (5 points): ______

         Materials (5 points): ______

         Procedures (5 points): ______

         Variables (10 points): ______

         Data (10 points): ______

         Results (5 points): _____

         Conclusion (10 points): _____

 Comments:  ______________________________________

Returning of this evaluation form (5 points): ______

 Total points: _______

 Grade:  _______

Ideas for displaying things on the tri-fold board.

Conservation Poster Project- Due November 18
Every 4th grader is required to complete a conservation poster for a grade. It is worth a 100 points. Students are to draw a picture on a regular size sheet of paper (8 1/2x11) about conservation of water and persuading people to use water wisely. Papers went home Monday, November 4th on the project.

Math Word Problem Project - Due October 25
Students brought home a page that assigned this project on Tuesday, October 15. The requirements for the project are listed on the top of the page (and below) and there is an extra credit opportunity with the project as well. This is required for a grade! Students have done activities like this in class. My suggestion was for students to come up with a multiplication or division sentence first and then write the word problem with those numbers, following the directions given.

Each student is to make a poster board display with the following information:
1. An original story problem in which either multiplication or division needs to be performed to find the answer. One of the numbers needs to be a 3 digit number. Also, the problem must end in a question.
2. A drawing or sketch of the problem.
3. The mathematical calculation (multiplication or division) must be performed using two different strategies showing each step and identifying the strategy used. - The methods and strategies we use are listed on the Math Skills tab.
4. The answer to the story problem must be in sentence form. (We do this with EVERY problem in math!!)

Leaf Collection - Due October 16
Students brought home two different pages on the leaf collection. This is a science grade and will be submitted to the 4-H competition. Below is a link to the University of Kentucky website that provides a lot of information that can be used to help identify trees! Please encourage your child to work on this now. If they wait till the week before to start, they will not have enough time!

Founding Fathers Project - Due September 27
This went home with students today. It is an optional project that will offer 5 bonus points to students that complete it. If you have any questions, please let me know.