There is a lot going on in the classroom right now!
-A blue sheet is coming home with students today explaining a reward field trip that 4th grade is having at the end of April. Students must follow rules and expectations in order to attend. This was supposed to go home last week but with the snow days, it was delayed! I went over it with students today and reviewed rules, please look over, discuss with your child, then sign and return the paper tomorrow
-Spring picture proofs came home today. If you wish to order pictures, they are due back by March 20.
-We have Book Fair this week! We had library today and students made Wish Lists. If they wish to buy something they will have time to go back and shop another time this week. We also have our Title I/Open House on Thursday from 5:30-7:00, you can also shop the Book Fair then.
-We are collecting change/money for Pennies for Patients. Students are encouraged to bring in change and the money is donated to the Leukemia & Lymphomia Society.